Is Your PC infected with a Virus or Spyware?

Let our certified support experts help you remove and destroy any malware threats, clean your PC and get it running the way you need it to be.We're here to protect the things you just can't live without.

Need Help Configuring or Installing PC Cleaner Pro?

Our team of certified experts can help you install and configure PC Cleaner Pro to make sure you are protected and that it is running smoothly to better protect your online privacy and identity.

Got a Slow Computer?

Our premium technical support experts will thoroughly analyze your system and software, remove or fix any issues, and optimize your computer for faster and more reliable performance.

Our Guarantee

PC Cleaner Inc. and Tech Live Connect's premium technical support experts guarantee that your computer will be problem free, or you pay nothing! We ensure you piece of mind when we diagnose, target, and resolve your technical computer problems.

Got a slow computer?

Our Certified Experts can optimize your PC and speed up your computer by benchmarking results on the PC's maximum theoretical speed, and streamline your desktop performance using Advanced PC Tune Up tools.

Need help installing/configuring PC Cleaner Pro?

Our Certified Experts can help you set-up PC Cleaner Pro to make sure you are protected and that it is running smoothly.

Services Offered

  • Address ANY issue on your computer(s)
  • Optimize your PC so it's running "like new"
  • Virus and Spyware Cleaning
  • Network Maintenance
  • Enjoy piece of mind for ongoing maintenance and tune-ups
  • State-of-the-art, secure technology available 24/7